Pattern baldness is a common scalp problem that usually affects both men and women. The common signs associated with pattern baldness are severe hair loss and hair thinning.

There are several reasons that cause male pattern baldness but mainly your genes and hormones are responsible for pattern baldness.

Pattern baldness is a painless disease but surely disturbs psychologically affecting the look of the patient.

But do not worry if you are experiencing this problem because we have permanent solution for genetic baldness.

Our trained experts use Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE for the treatment of male pattern hair loss.

FUE ( fue hair transplant ) need no introduction since it is widely used in the field of hair restoration as the main hair transplant technique.

Hair transplant is a surgical procedure in which the surgeon borrows healthy and genetically stable hairs from the back and sides and transplants the same hairs into the bald scalp.FUE Procedure

Trained and experienced surgeons of Multani hair loss clinic are supposed to remove hairs with the help of a tiny instrument from the back and sides. The surgeons technically call these areas donor sites.

After the removal, hair loss experts prepare these hair follicles for the insertion and keep them safe until they finish the surgery successfully.

Follicular units may have 1 to 4 hairs so that, the experts insert the units according to the requirement and expectations of the patient.Benefits of FUE

  • No use of stitches
  • Permanent solution of genetic hair loss
  • Totally natural results
  • Fast execution of the surgery
  • Fast healing time
  • No risk of rejection or side effects

Why should you choose FUE technique?

Hair loss patients prefer our clinic for the treatment of genetic baldness because of our highly skilled and experienced team of doctors.

Our dedicated and professional hair restoration experts perform the procedure with the help of advanced tools and techniques. They treat every area of the scalp with special care since scalp has different hair growth patterns like forehead, crown area or temporal area.

If you are looking for high-quality and authentic hair loss treatment, our clinic will be the best place for your hair restoration.